Parent Input Forms

Parents know their child better than anyone else. The information parents share with their child’s team not only helps them get a better picture of the child as a total person, it also helps the team develop an education plan that is based on the child’s individual needs.

Before the child receives special education and related services for the first time, the parent/guardian must give written consent. The parent/guardian has the right to revoke his/herr consent for special education services at any time, even after the Iindividualized Education Program has been implemented.

Work with us!

We work with skilled and reliable IEP translation specialists. Having an incomplete understanding of IEP content poses significant risks to the student. Translating IEP content requires a high level of attention to detail and in-depth understanding of relevant terminology, to ensur the parent/guardian understands the content and the student is protected. We handpick our translators to have background experience also in Psychology and Education fields.

With these factors in mind, we only assign the most qualified translator for IEP translation work. The translators involved in IEP translation projects are native speaker of the target language and have extensive experience translating and working with IEP content.

Contact us today!